Brother Josephus. Are you in OZzie? Where exactly?
refiners fire
JoinedPosts by refiners fire
gentile times reconsidered worth the cost?
by Knapster ini don't have 10 or 12 dollars to spend that isn't necessary, so does this book really contain anything that i haven't already read on the dozens of websites that have info on the 607-1914 chronology subject?
Why the WTS love to name call! Awake June 22
by ISP inever been called an apostate?
other such name or label?
well you should know why and how such names are used and why they are used purposefully by the wts.. awake june 22 ,2000 page 6. some people insult those who disagree with them by questioning character or motives instead of focusing on the facts.
refiners fire
They all love to label education as well. Especially university education. "Science",Intellectuals","Philosophy","So called-Higher Education"."humanism".
Rutherford was a great label hanger.
"Big business",
Hows this little passage, just selected at random from the WT of June 15, 1922 "Few Politicians are sincere,they have no intention of taking the people into their confidence,all their utterances must be considered with the allowance that a politician rarely says what he thinks,and that his words are framed with the purpose of enlisting public opinion for some intended later action"...
One long label.Burn Rutherford..BURN.
gentile times reconsidered worth the cost?
by Knapster ini don't have 10 or 12 dollars to spend that isn't necessary, so does this book really contain anything that i haven't already read on the dozens of websites that have info on the 607-1914 chronology subject?
refiners fire
No. Give it a miss.His other book "Sign of the last days-when?"
is much more interesting.
The whole 607-587 thing is a furfy, in my opinion,They were dragged off in 607, but the walls werent collapsed till 587, (I think)
Take your pick which one God set his stopwatch by.
(If Ive uttered error in this comment, doubtless someone will lambast me) -
Example of Brainwashing Proves WTS Is A Cult!
by MadApostate inafter reading puppylove's post, "a sad example of jw brainwashing /twisted thinking", and hearing very familiar comments, i have decided to relate an experience i had a few days ago, which i am leary to relate since the key factor severely limits the jw population of "possibles".
(details are purposefully sketchy to protect my identity.
a jw, who usually avoids me like the plague, placed themself in a position of being alone with me for a few hours due to their greedy desire to obtain something free.
refiners fire
If you are interested in expanding your mind in the direction of understanding WHY he denies he ever held his previously held belief,
I recommend a book unto you,"The Great Terror" by Robert Conquest.
(Pimlico publishers) Its all about how Joe Stalin got apostate Communists to confess to crimes they never committed.Very insightfull.
The upshot is, these people are absolutely so DESPERATELY DESPERATE to believe their belief system, that they will do ANYTHING to hold their belief. Even turn their own heads inside out.
Actually I recommend a reading about Soviet communism to anyone on this board. Many of the parallels in methodology between Russian communism and the Jehovahs are...SPOOKY!But then, they were both building organizations at the same time in history, maybe thats where the methods were at ,at that time. -
the greatest addman who ever lived......
by josephus ini have allways thought that the single greatest asset the jws have is the nickname "the truth".. trying to get through to our freinds and parents the sickening facts about "the truth", we are constantly stymied.
by the sentence "i still beleive its the truth".. this is the equialent of calling your law firm "the honest ones".
or your shop, "the best".. only better, much better.. jws mistake a concept, "truth" with "the truth".
refiners fire
Well Joseph...Of course the Jehovahs arent known as "the Truth" in a public sense. "Truth" is an insider dub usage term. Its how the members refer to it between each other.Course every time they call it the "truth" they are reinforcing their opinions to each other.
If you were in the "Way international" and all the members whisper (in hushed tones) "The Way" I reckon the effect would be the same.
But its a great name. "The Truth". Says it all really. -
Powers of the Dark Side
by Mindchild inhi there ex-borgie friends and enemies .
sorry i've been away so have no idea of what my withdrawal symptoms were like after going over a week without being on the internet.
it was much worse than going without sex .
refiners fire
that photo looks like a police mugshot.
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex ini have a problem..i have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years i lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me.
lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town i live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder i thought when i got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that i have a wife and kid that arent jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" i trust my wife better than that and i know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as i prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and i dont want to have to be an asshole about it but i just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things i can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep?
anyway..i can hear the psychiatrist callin my
refiners fire
I had the same problem years ago, it was because I didnt break completely away from the milieu of Witnessworld.I relied on my Witness brother (fleshly) to house me. Move house,stop relying on relatives to put you up,change jobs, leave them all behind. -
God. Jesus. Afterlife... what is the evidence?
by refiners fire inseems to be a lot of talk here today about afterlife.
so..... there is no evidence of life after death.. point 1:.
ever seen a dead body?.
refiners fire
If there is no afterlife I agree you might as well do what you wish
in this lifetime. Whether that means doing drugs, raping and pillaging, or, doing works of mercy for the starving, is of course up to the individual to choose.I do not believe anyone one this forum would commend any activity which infringes upon another persons human rights,as for the example of rape and pillage. -
God. Jesus. Afterlife... what is the evidence?
by refiners fire inseems to be a lot of talk here today about afterlife.
so..... there is no evidence of life after death.. point 1:.
ever seen a dead body?.
refiners fire
I referred to the notion of an INDIVIDUAL who was cured of all ills.Not the entire world population.
God. Jesus. Afterlife... what is the evidence?
by refiners fire inseems to be a lot of talk here today about afterlife.
so..... there is no evidence of life after death.. point 1:.
ever seen a dead body?.
refiners fire
Josephus did make a point earlier, re:
Being cured of all problems might lead one to lose compassion for the suffering of others. A very valid thought. I would reply that our purpose is to strive to constantly improve in love for others, striving to overcome our dark sides,personal preferences, totalistic beliefs, personal fears,etc.A BIG ask.
I am aware that many of the ideas I put forth are somewhat "New Age"
one thing I like about New Age groups is that they are full of people who are begging the "channel"what they should believe, what they should DO. The channels answer is invariably the same.
"I cannot tell you what to do, you must decide for yourself".
Interestingly, most such groups are organized and run by women.